the baby book of the 2000's

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Papa" and Kyler take a dip.

So we went over to visit my Dad as he offered up a good meal and a cool pool for Kyler.  Here are some other reasons to go visit him...

Brrrrr, that pool is coooool!

This is where the chill became real!

That is the face of a happy boy.
Great buddies.
If this boy could live in the "la la" he totally would.

Papa looks a little concerned, but Kyler wouldn't pee in the pool...

Not when he's got his own "Pee Rock!"

Friday, June 29, 2012

Some fresh air

So we recently went camping with Kyler (his 3rd time).  This go round we headed out to Lincoln Rock State Park.  This is a great park, the only reservation I have about it is the darn sprinklers!  They run daily (we got lucky and they somehow missed our days of camping), and said sprinklers don't care where your tent is!  I digress...

Kyler surveying the scene.
Momma loves Kyler toes.

Lincoln Rock is such a beautiful place.

 We were there for 2 nights during the week and pretty much had the place to ourselves.  We played in the playground, dug rocks in the water and cheesed it up around the campfire.  The last time we were here (last July), Kyler did NOT care for camping, so we were glad that we now have ourselves a "happy camper."
Shucks, Mama!
Cheesin' it up with Dadda

Kyler liked putting the tent away THIS year!

As a side note, we have been working on getting Kyler to Poop on the BIG potty.  He has done it once maybe twice to date.  For this reason, the little potty made a trip over the mountains with us. Thank goodness it did, because Kyler used it daily in the tent.  Our tent is the Taj Mahal, so we set the "lil" potty in the "sunroom" of the tent.  Nothing like waking up in the morning on your air mattress and watching your son say, "be right back," and go into his own little bathroom!

The END!
So this was taken just outside of Leavenworth on our way home.  Kyler said he had to go, so we gave him his space and let him GO!  Sorry, Lovee, this ones a keeper!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vancouver Aquarium 2012

Their Jellyfish display is super cool!
This was our 2nd time up to Vancouver Aquarium.  I had come here in middle school and then shortly after high school, and man, a lot has changed!  Since we were here LAST year, however, the main change is that Kyler is a little more into the animals this time round.

If you ask Kyler about dolphins, he
will say that they SPLASH!
I love this one. Kyler and Dadda
watching the dolphins.

Seal coming up for a Kyler Kiss!

Look at that grin!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Butterflies at Pacific Science Center

So Jeff and I wanted to visit the Pacific Science Center on our anniversary "weekend" so Kyler was our plus 1.  I hadn't been there in a loooong time, and things have changed quite a bit!  Most of the stuff is still a little too old for Kyler, so we're just gonna have to come back...

I don't have any pictures of the dinosaur exhibit, which was kinda neat.  Frankly, since Kyler LOVES Dinosaur Train Jeff and I thought he'd be more into the exhibit, but wasn't his thing.  

You may not be able to tell, but he is very
concerned looking at this butterfly
Speaking of things not being to Kyler's liking, the Butterfly Room was awesome (for everyone but Ky!).

Note the winged beauty on my shoulder.

Man, he really did not like butterflies!
Kyler is trying to tell Dadda he is NOT happy!

Concentrating on pouring just the right amount in...
Once we were out of the butterfly room, we brought Kyler to a place he could be a little less worried in!  The water is like a magnet for this kid!  Cannot get him to leave willingly!

Rockin' the water apron

Gratuitous shot of Kyler and the Space Needle. 
All in all, a good time was had by all.