the baby book of the 2000's

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

UPdate for baby book purposes

Wearing Daddy's hat
15 months and some change...

So, since this blog is supposed to also help with retaining memories for Kyler's (absent) baby book, figured I better write this down.  

Kyler now knows where HIS belly button is (he can point out ours if they are exposed), his foot, his nose, and his ear (kind of).  It is hard to say if he understands mouth yet.

He doesn't really say a lot of words that are recognizable to the adult human ear, but he is very good at saying, "no."  It is more of a, "nah, nah, nah" with his hands waving sideways horizontally.  He does this when looking at the trash cans, the end tables near the couch, the toilet, our nightstands, the stairs when the gate is open, his diaper genie, and whatever else i've missed.  You would think that we are always using that word with him!  Kyler recognizes and distinguishes the difference between Ma Ma and Da Da, and Grandpa.  If we ask him to go get Grandpa, he does.  He doesn't use our names to call for us, but in time...

What really makes us proud (its the little things people!) is when we ask him if he has gone "poop poop," he will grin at us and when we say, "ok, let's go fix it," he begins walking/waddling to his room to get his diaper "fixed."  If we just ask him if he needs his diaper fixed, he will grab his "tinker area" and then sometimes start heading to his room.  Hoping this comes in handy later when potty training begins.  Right now it is just a fun party trick!  (sorry, kyler!)


So Kyler just got in his lower left molar, and his upper right molar (at the same time).  They are about 1/2 in now, and he is just breaking the surface on his lower left side of another tooth.  Poor little dude, but maybe this means he is that much closer to an expanding food repoirte!?