the baby book of the 2000's

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kyler and the Beach (take 2)

So happy running along the beach

So when we were in Mexico, Kyler was NOT one for the beach. In fact, he CRIED so hard about being put down in the tidal waves we laughed (I know, bad parents)! However, it is amazing what baths and a little bit of age can do to a young boy, because NOW we can’t keep him OUT of water! Last Friday, March 25th my girlfriend Liz and I went walking. Once we were done walking I took her and Kyler down to a beach my sister and I played at a lot growing up. Picnic Point Beach is in the Edmonds/Lynnwood/Mukilteo area, and was 2 miles from where my parents lived when we were in high school. Liz lives pretty close to there, and she (and Kyler) had never been there. What a treat! We got there just before the sun went down and so we were able to walk around a little bit before the park ranger kicked people out.

He was fascinated by the tide.
The problem with most Washington Beaches on the Puget Sound is that they are ROCKY, not sandy. This was somewhat of a problem for Kyler, as his feet are about as big as some of the barnacled rocks. NO problem for Liz and I though, because that meant that we got to hold Mr. Independent’s hands as we strolled the stretch. As Kyler is a boy, he found picking up the rocks very entertaining. I knew of an area that usually has a bit of sand and we made our way over to it. Kyler LOVED being free of our hands!! He went RIGHT for the water. The tide came in to kiss his shoes, and he stood there and took it! Me, being the responsible mom I am, took pictures! (thanks, Auntie Liz for keeping him safe).

He'd rather be in the WATER than in my arms!
When it was time to go, Kyler was not so happy about leaving. I guess I’d rather have him fuss about leaving than about having to go to the beach! Thanks Liz, for a fun evening. I can’t wait to take K-Man to the beach this summer with Daddy and watch the 2 of them get dirty being boys!