the baby book of the 2000's

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Food for thought

Lovin' the peas!
So I'm kinda at a loss as to what to feed the Chi Chi Monster next.  We started him with rice cereal (of course), and from there moved on to veggies.  He loves his baby peas (frozen bag from K-town), and tolerates green beans.  Brocolli seems to be hit or miss, but it needs to be mixed with rice or oatmeal to get him to eat it.  Carrots are also a fav, as are sweet potatoes, but ironically he did not dig on regular spuds (granted, they were a bit dry).  Just tried butternut squash and so far so good. 

Fruits--not so much!
Fruits haven't been received quite as well.  His first fruit was pears, and he was not a fan.  Our thinking is that they are too sweet for him (funny, right?!), and so the only way we have been able to get him to eat the pureed variety is to mix them with his rice or oats.  Blueberries and mangoes have been very easy to get him to eat, but don't even try apricots, cuz that will just be a waste of EVERYONE'S time!  Apples and kiwi are on the maybe list.  Haven't pureed grapes or cherries, but have let him try to bite them and suck the juice, and he seems to get a kick out of that.  Silly boy!  So back to where I started, what do I try next?  I don't want him to simply eat pureed food forever.  Jeff fessed up to giving him bites of bread, so I've started breaking off crust niblets for him, but Kyler cannot live on bread alone.  When can I give him some more substantial bites?  I'm toying with the idea of baking up some chicken and then pureeing that, but am a bit nervous.  Can I freeze that like I do the veggies and fruits?  Basically my hope is that Kyler will have tried enough different things, and therefore will have a wide range of likes--unlike his momma!  Would love to know if anyone has any tips!
I never wonder WHY there is always so much Kyler laundry!

Friday, August 20, 2010

First camping trip and army crawling

So I'm finding that it may take some time to get in the swing of things and remember to record Kyler's kool new tricks. It will get better, I'm sure!
HE'S ARMY CRAWLING! This isn't necessarily NEW news, but if I don't put it in the blog, it won't be there. When we got home from Mt Rainier on August 8th (more on that later), Kyler decided that his old mode of self transportation was soooo last month, and he decided to show off his new skills. Since then, he has started to incorporate his toes. and most recently his knees have decided they need in on the gig. It is pretty cute watching your son crinkle his nose (not sure where THAT came from--blaming Jeff I think), as he scoots over to slap at your toes. Still new at this blogger thing, so I will say that I will TRY to post a video of this Kyler kuteness!

Camping. Well, we survived, and I am glad to say that it is something that Jeff and I think we could handle again with K-Man. Jeff's cousin, David, had invited us to go camping with him, his new bride, her cousin, and high school friends of David's. The plan was to camp at White River campground in Mt Rainier and to do day hikes. We had a great time, and were grateful for the invite. Hoping to do more camping/travelling with the newest Severson couple! That being said, I'm not sure about everybody else, but for us whenever and wherever we go camping the rain clouds follow. This weekend of camping was no exception. Our saving grace was that the campground was full of ginormous trees that offered a buffer from the rain. The trees and David's 12x12 canopy made the rain managable. The main point of all of this is that Kyler did GREAT! He was (and is) such a happy camper (hee hee), and he enjoyed hanging out in the Taj Mahal, which is our tent.
We packed sooooo many blankets to use as makeshift bedding, that he probably had more comfortable accomodations than we did on our air mattress. Our biggest concern, however, was that he would wake other campers up at his 3 am "I missed you Mommy and Daddy" wake up call. Thankfully Jeff and I were prepared with bottle and diaper to shut the kid up!--just kidding. Another thing to be thankful for is he doesn't seem to mind cold formula now. When we were using frozen chi chi juice (pumped breastmilk), he would take that cold with ice crystals still in it, but don't you DARE give the boy cold formula. As I had to stop nursing for medical reasons (dumb arthritis, grrrrrrr), he seems content to be fed cold "milk" (formula) now. Wow, I guess I'm rambling, so I'll cut this "episode" for now. Main point was that we are looking forward to taking Kyler camping with us again really soon. Maybe next locale will have some grass for him to hone up on his crawling skills. My guess is that he will be in full crawl by his 9 month birthaversary. That being said, babyproofing is in full effect at the Severson household!

More of the campground...
White River family photos...